Prepare for take-off
The local economy is picking up and ICT companies will soon start reaping the benefits.
Every year, more than 50 000 tons of electronic goods are thrown away in South Africa, according to Hewlett-Packard (HP).
National and provincial government departments have not bought an HR, financial or procurement application for two years, while the prioritised IFMS takes shape.
HARDWARE Servers FYI Worldwide server unit shipments grew 6.
HARDWARE Mobile Devices SECURITY As with laptops, mobility comes with a price.
The minister of communications since 1999, known to many as Poison Ivy, died in office on 6 April 2009.
A gutsy emerging markets internet strategy has paid off very handsomely for Naspers.
SITE Do an environmental impact assessment (EIA) on site.
MindShift’s take on some thought-provoking recent publications Make Poverty Business: Increase Profits and Reduce Risks by Engaging with the Poor Craig Wilson and Peter Wilson Wilson and Wilson bring their collective experience as government officials, development economists, business consultants and entrepreneurs to produce an entertaining book that aims to help business managers increase their profits by engaging with the poor.
The green movement has not succeeded in getting us to change our lifestyles.
Just one month into the new year and ICT news is flowing thick and fast.
Two years ago The Economist reported on the launch of the results of SustainAbility’s latest benchmark of corporate sustainability reporting with a headline suggesting that nonfi nancial reporting is “too serious to be left to amateurs” TWO YEARS LATER, AND AFTER A RAFT OF HIGH PROFILE corporate announcements on corporate sustainability, our 2006 analysis – Tomorrow’s Value: The Global Reporters 2006 Survey of Corporate Sustainability Reporting – concludes that sustainability reporting has turned another important corner.