Facebook needs to do better
Facebook has a trust problem. That’s bad for its users.
The launch of the Apple iPad put the spotlight on an old problem – devices that fall into the space between laptops and smartphones.
Virtualisation has moved to the desktop. And?
COMMUNICATIONS - INTERNAL NETWORKS Words: Pamela Weaver NGNS A solution to the problem of exacting as much revenue as possible from aging copper infrastructures.
The world’s data centres are going virtual, as are some of its desktops. The benefits are well known, but what about the pitfalls?
Networking Deloitte Touché Tohmatsu’s “Telecommunications Predictions 2007” notes that the assumption that bandwidth costs must continue falling endlessly may have to change if the Internet is not to run out of capacity in the next year.
South Africans do not see the environment as a significant global threat, according to the International Survey on Global Attitudes recently published by the Pew Research Centre in the United States.