Simple but effective
A wireless monitoring solution is simply solving a complicated problem for the SANBS.
When electricity finally goes wireless, the agonised death-cry of the plug adapter lobby will be music to the ears.
SOFTWARE - SECURITY Words: Pamela Weaver WIRELESS SAFETY So you finally tired of tripping over the spaghetti in your cramped office/business is good and you’ve expanded/you thought the mess of wires that was your offi ce made a bad impression on clients.
HARDWARE - Laptops and PCs Words: Pamela Weaver Laptop computers are on the move.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT Given its location at the grass roots of any democratic society, local government faces perhaps the greatest challenges of all the spheres of government when it comes to service delivery.
When people think of networks in an ICT context, it’s easy to forget that there’s a good reason why they share the name with their cousins in the human/social setting.
Maybe it’s the child-like appeal of cutting loose and feeling free to do anything, anywhere that continues to exercise the same appeal over us as adults, but for a technology and concept that’s been around for a long time, wireless continues to surprise and excite with high levels of innovation and seemingly limitless potential.
COMMUNICATIONS Internal Networks PLAYERS Linksys and its parent Cisco continued to rule the US SME wireless networking market in the first half of 2007, according to the NPD Group/Distributor Track.
BlackBerry® Professional Software is specifically designed to meet the needs of small to medium businesses by empowering users with wireless access to email, business data, the Internet, organiser info and more.
HARDWARE Mobile Devices SECURITY As with laptops, mobility comes with a price.
Wireless As technology is increasingly driven by the demands of convergence, wireless is set to assume its position at centre stage, in a show detailing the merits of a truly symbiotic relationship.