

A new era in photography has dawned, signalled by two strong trends that emerged last year.

01 April 2011

One of the few things truly worth doing on a trip to Las Vegas is the famous helicopter ride through the Grand Canyon. It’s a visual overload and you wouldn’t want to be caught dead on a trip like that without a serious camera. As I was. They say the best camera is the one that’s with you, and in this case, I had a very good camera along for the ride despite my usual beast of an SLR not being available.

The night before the trip to the Canyon, I discovered that I had forgotten the battery charger for my DSLR at home in South Africa. After visiting several photography shops on the Strip without much luck, I made peace with the fact that I would have to rely on my iPhone 4 for pictures. And, well... some of the results are on these pages.

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