A man’s world
As you get deeper into a conversation with Angela Gahagan, you realise this isn’t a discussion you would have with the average CEO.
01 November 2009
MTN Business’ new chief exec is all about people, and personality. The average CEO being a man, of course. The chief executive of MTN Business is talking about work, attitude, motivation, ambitions and her plans to grow MTN’s data division further into Africa, but there’s an indefinable difference.
Gradually it becomes clear. Gahagan is being entirely honest. She is admitting to past mistakes and private failures, occasional self-doubts and worries about the work/life balance. Ordinary issues that trouble every leader, but are usually glossed over for fear of appearing weak, vulnerable or even incompetent. Gahagan is none of those things. This is the woman who emerged on top when MTN acquired the company she led, Verizon Business SA. Generally the head of a target company is gracefully shown the door by the incumbent of the acquiring company.
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