
Comms at the coal face

Mines need proper connectivity; it’s the ticket to the game.

03 February 2025

Boyd Chislett, Liquid Intelligent Technologies

Whatever the reasons for the continued underperformance of South Africa’s economy, and they are legion, the mining industry continues to chug along, adding R135.3 billion to the fiscus in 2023. According to the Minerals Council South Africa, mining contributed 6.2% of GDP in 2023, from 7.3% the year before. Blame for the drop can be laid at the doors of Eskom and Transnet, and while loadshedding has abated, inefficiencies at Transnet mean that coal has to be moved by road. As for remedies, the council suggests reforms in the energy and transport sectors. But South Africa still produces the lion’s share of the world’s platinum, and well-functioning mines are a vital cornerstone of the economy.

But as any miner will tell you, with thin margins, turning a decent profit is easier said than done, and operational efficiencies need to be realised.

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