Growing the middle class
Arguably, the growth of the ICT sector and access to communications is dependent on the healthy growth of the middle class.
03 January 2008
South Africa`s middle class – unlike the middle class in most developed countries – is not the dominant class, according to recent research conducted by Eighty20.
Titled The Middle Class in South Africa – Not a Black and White Issue, the research indicates that only 25 percent of South Africa`s population falls into the middle class category, even though 45 percent of the people polled said they considered themselves to be middle class. Twelve percent placed themselves in the upper middle class category.
However, Eighty20`s research highlights a peculiarity in the naming of the ‘middle` class in South Africa, because, thanks to South Africa`s unique socio-political situation and history, it`s not clear what parameters should be used to define the middle class, or where the ‘middle` actually is. In fact, if a median of South Africa`s population was to be taken, the middle class would effectively start at a R1 400 monthly personal income or a R2 000 household income.
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