
Sponsored: Lindie Ferreira: Supporting the development of strong women in IT

A passion for mathematics and accounting led Lindie Ferreira to pursue a B-Com in IT in the early 1990s, when IT was emerging.

01 August 2024

Lindie Ferreira, General Manager, Logicalis SA

A passion for mathematics and accounting led Lindie Ferreira to pursue a B-Com in IT in the early 1990s, when IT was emerging. Today, she is the General Manager for Logicalis SA, leading the Exco team, and responsible for managing sales and operations, finance and HR.

“Starting out in business application development allowed me to translate business problems into functional solutions that enhance business operations. Today, this challenge continues to excite me,” she says. “Most of my career has been spent in the European market, giving me exposure to diverse perspectives and practices. Rising to the role of General Manager at Logicalis has been a significant achievement, enabling me to champion gender equality and support the development of strong women in IT.”

Ferreira sets the vision and direction for the company, making key decisions that shape its growth and success. “My role also includes fostering a collaborative and innovative culture, mentoring emerging leaders, and promoting diversity within our teams. I’m grateful that at Logicalis, people are selected for roles based on their capability and talent, and there is no gender bias. Our Exco consists of four men and three women,” she says.

Ferreira values her immensely talented, diverse and supportive team whose guidance is key in successfully executing the organisation’s vision and strategic plans. “My team inspires me every day, as we work together to achieve our goals and push the boundaries of what is possible in technology,” she says.

Perseverance, adaptability, and a strong support system have been crucial to Ferreira’s success as a woman in tech, and she believes that having a logical and analytical approach to her work has helped her tackle challenges effectively. Personally, the ability to balance a high-pressure career with family responsibilities has been essential. She’s been fortunate to have mentors and role models who have guided her and demonstrated that it is possible to succeed in this field.

Ferreira would like to see more IT-aligned subjects introduced in schools to spark interest in the field from a young age, as well as more mentorship programmes and networking opportunities for women in IT. If organisations can successfully create a work environment that supports work-life balance, especially for working mothers, it will make IT more accessible and appealing to women.

Seat at the table

Ferreira’s advice to women looking to build a career in IT is to not specialise too early. “IT is a diverse field with many different aspects, from networking to programming to DevOps. There is still a tendency for women to be pigeonholed into specific directions, like application development. Don’t assume that you will suit a certain role because of your gender. Rather explore every one of the pillars that make up the IT industry, find your true passion, and choose for yourself,” she advises.

It’s important for women to believe in the value they bring to the table and not to underestimate their potential. Ferreira encourages women to seek out mentors and role models in the IT industry, and be proactive in engaging with male colleagues on the topic of gender equality to ensure they have a seat at the table.

Ferreira’s goals include driving business growth by expanding Logicalis’ market presence and exploring opportunities in emerging technologies. “By leveraging our team’s diverse talent and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, we can stay ahead of industry trends and deliver exceptional value to our clients. My goal is to enhance our organisation’s capabilities and also help address broader societal challenges, so our advancements in technology will contribute positively to the economy.”

To find out more about Logicalis, please visit www.za.logicalis.com

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