
A tale of two hospitals

New technologies are transforming the practice of medicine, while also streamlining how hospitals operate behind the scenes.

02 September 2024

David Price, Life Healthcare

Hospitals have evolved from being institutions that solely heal the sick, to big machines that operate like any other business. Today, advanced technologies are transforming the practice of medicine, while streamlining hospital systems, from clinical and administrative to IT. According to Deloitte, hospital groups and health systems around the world are looking to technology to boost collaboration, improve efficiencies, address workforce challenges, reduce costs, enhance the quality of care and better meet patients’ demands.

Historically, hospitals and technology have never really gone hand-in-hand, says Servesan Moodley, group IT manager at Busamed Hospital Group. He thinks this is because technology wasn’t traditionally something that hospitals do. While hospitals have different systems, like payroll and ERP, to handle hospital management, accounting and billing, they haven’t traditionally been bothered with much else. This is no longer the case. Technology now plays a role in every part of a modern hospital, from preadmission to discharge.

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