
Gamification improves bottom line

A financial institution is incentivising staff in growing its bottom line using gamification.

14 March 2018

Speaking at the first CIO Council meeting of 2018, Grant Field, CEO of FedGroup, explained how through an innovative concept, the company is achieving predictable measurements and growth.

“The first step was through bespoke IT, utilising real time diagnostics and measuring tools, seamlessly integrating with a specially branded vending machine that looked like a pig.

“This was done to tie in with our concept of predictability involvement growth – PIG for short. How it work is as internal targets are made the pig shows it’s happiness by turning pink and allowing staff to access chocolate bars for free. However, when targets are not met, the pig turns blue showing it is grumpy. It’s a fun interdepartmental challenge to see who can make the pig happy.”

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