The business of footprints
Large retailers such as Marks & Spencer and Tesco have started measuring carbon along their supply chains and labelling carbon emissions on individual products with the aim of reducing the carbon impacts of their entire operation.
05 March 2009
But is there any substance to all the rhetoric and media attention around carbon footprinting, and what does it mean in practice?
CARBON FOOTPRINT ANALYSIS – A WAY OF ASSESSING YOUR IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT – IS BEING adopted by more and more businesses worldwide wanting to bring their practices in line with recent weighty scientific studies that indicate that their green house gas emissions are a major cause of global warming with potentially devasting consequences for the global economy and society. This follows the widely acclaimed Stern Review, commissioned last year by the then Bittish prime-minister in waiting, Gordon Brown, which found that early action is more economically efficient than inaction, and that changes are needed immediately.
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