Backbite and Sneerwell

In Style

Even in an age when Herschelle Gibbs scoffs at reading, book collecting remains the coolest addiction of all. We asked experts how to start the kind of flirtation that could grow into full-blown bibliomania and a collector`s habit.

31 July 2003

Paper assets

There`s an infection so rare that it affects only two percent of the American population, and even fewer people in Africa. Bibliophilia is the love of books - "funny little portable pieces of thought", as Susan Sontag called them. Books can be seductive, and they do furnish a room, there`s no getting away from it.

Robin Fryde began as a collector; in 1962, he purchased the eponymous rare book emporium founded in 1904 by Frank Thorold. Nico Israel, who was then a leading European dealer, gave him a stern warning: "You may succeed as a dealer, or as a collector, but you cannot do both. The dealer cannot compete with his customers."

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