

If there was one bright spot during the Covid-19 pandemic, it was that the cloud finally coming into its own. According to Flexera, 94% of organisations are now using the cloud, with 91% using the public cloud.

04 May 2021

However, businesses are finding that their cloud implementations are not saving them the money they thought they would, and can, in fact, drive up costs. Companies are also finding it challenging to manage an increasingly complex and widespread cloud ecosystem.

“A recent survey found that even though there are various reasons why enterprises might move their computing to the cloud, the top one, at 61%, is cost-cutting initiatives. While many organisations achieve instant wins, they all too often find themselves spending far more than they thought they would because they don’t have the capacity to manage all of their environments properly,” says Richard Vester, iOCO’s Cluster Executive, Cloud & Security.

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